Here you can contribute your sent emails, email drafts or even still unwritten emails to the Museum of (un)sent emails. If your email is not written in English, you can leave it in the original language.
Here you can tag your email to give it some character. You can use more tags at the same time, even from the same category.
colour. brown silver gold yellow bronze white sandy purple grey blue turquoise red mahogany orange green
texture. sandy soft rocky watery smooth untouchable cold robust hasty tempting sticky
mood. swimming flying concrete visiting organized 10 points illusional empty breaking olympic losing to the zoo forget me not hopelessly airborne
season of mind. summer autumn winter spring rainy season dry season
written to. friend(s) boss/director/professor family members lover ex lover lover to be imaginary friend(s) stranger institution/company colleague nobody myself employee/student
other brave titles. once upon a time dear sir/madam asshole/bitch (a)cross my heart on the road nightwalker strings attached flight of the geese with no wings
add optional details.
By submitting this form you confirm that you are the author of the submitted email and that you agree that the Museum of (un)sent emails can use your email for the creative purposes of this project. Your email might be published in the Museum of (un)sent emails (archive and exhibition space) and used in subsequent artistic projects deriving from Museum of (un)sent emails. Museum of (un)sent emails will state your name in the credit section of all Museum of (un)sent emails artistic projects (but only with your approval, considering we have access to your identity).